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Location of the automotive gas-filling compressor station (CNG)

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General information about the ground area
Planned use of ground areaLocation of the automotive gas-filling compressor station (CNG)
BranchConsumer sphere
Address of the areaTemryuk district, pos. Primorsky, st. Taman Division
Cadastre account of ground arearegistered
Cadastre number of area/of quarter23:30:0501005:759
Declared area (m2)8000.00
Limit size of the area (m2)8000.00
Land categoryLands of settlements
Kind of allowed useFor other uses characteristic of settlements (for filling stations)
Actual useFree from building-ups
Permits, town-planning documentationThe general plan of the Senny rural settlement of Temryuk district was approved by Decision LIV of the session of the Council of the municipality Temryuk district of the VI convocation dated November 20, 2018 No. 549; The rules of land use and development of the Senny rural settlement of the Temryuk district were approved by the decision of the 10th session of the Council of the Senny rural settlement of the Temryuk district of the II convocation dated January 22, 2010 No. 38 (as amended by the Decision of the II session of the Council of the municipality Temryuk district of the VII convocation dated October 27, 2020 No. 21).
Information about proprietor (right holder)
ProprietorState ownership is not differentiated
Right holderState ownership is not differentiated
Kind of rightRent
Electricity supply
Power supply center (name, right-holder)PJSC Rosseti Kuban Slavic Electric Networks, Power center PS 35/10 Fanagoria, maximum power 15 kW
Power supply center (electrotension class)Middle class of tension – from 1 kV to 35 kV
Gas pipeline (name, right-holder)Gazprom Transgaz Krasnodar LLC, GRS Taman (new), the capacity of the gas distribution station is about 130 thousand m?/h
Water supply source (name, right-holder)State Unitary Enterprise KK "Kuban Water Complex", Connection point asbestos cement water supply, adjacent to st. 255 Taman Division in the village. Primorsky, Guaranteed free head at the point of connection from 0.3 to 1.0 kgf/ sm2
Nearest connection point (diameter(mm))100.00
Sewage system
Type of building (name, right-holder)septic tank
Distance to the large settlements and objects of a transport infrastructure
Remoteness fromThe nameDistance (km)
Center of municipal formation city Temruk50.00
Nearest settlement Within the village. Primorsky 
Center of the subject of federation A-290 Novorossiysk-Kerch18.00
Nearest railway station Taman Station7.00
Nearest railway railway path Taman5.00
Airport Anapa airport60.00
Seaport seaport Temryuk50.00
Additional information about the ground area
Cost of rent/buy of the ground area, mln. rub.0.64
Geographical coordinates of object (dd.dddddd)
Latitude (N)45.257496
Longitude (E)36.906158
Data on the project initiator (in case of existence information about the legal/physical person)
Name / Full nameAdministration Temryuk District Municipality
Postal address353500 Temryuk str. Lenin number 65
Phone/fax8 (86148) 5-22-54, f. 8 (86148) 6-04-06
Data about the applicant (executive authority/local government executive authority)
NameAdministration Temryuk District Municipality
Postal address353500 Temryuk str. Lenin number 65
Phone/fax8 (86148) 5-22-54, f. 8 (86148) 6-04-06