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BRICS to commit 400 thousand US dollars for the rope underground project to Krasnodar

The Board of Directors of the New BRICS development Bank approved the provision of technical support to the rope underground project in Krasnodar. The amount of funding will make 400 thousand US dollars.

The technical support of the bank will include consulting services aimed at bringing the rope road project in Krasnodar to such a stage where it will be considered by external investors. At this, in future there is a prospect that the new development bank would advance a loan. 

As follows from the bank documents, the "rope underground" would be used as an alternative type of public transport to relieve traffic congestion. 

The alternative project from development of public transport in Krasnodar was developed in the year 2017. The proposed length of five lines of Krasnodar "rope road" would make 32 kilometers and the motion speed – around 25 kilometers per hour.

According to the experts of Macon Realty Group, the term for project implementation would take approximately 3.5-4 years. The project implementation cost is more than 11 billion rubles; the recoupment period will make 14 years. During the first five-seven years of operation, the passenger traffic of Krasnodar "rope underground" would attain 35 million people per year.   

Rope underground is a technology of passenger transportation in non-motorized vehicles moving along a steel rope. It is an ecologically pure and noiseless type of transport, has no intersection with roadways and tram tracks at one level.    

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