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Construction of the grain thermal complex is being continued in the port of Taman in Kuban

The total investments on agreements concluded in different years at the International Investment Forum in Sochi amounts to over seven billion rubles.

Three stages of construction are expected within the project, which are being implemented by the company Grain Terminal Complex Taman. The first two stages have already been commissioned: supply and shipment elevated structures, automated receptions No. 1 and No. 2, two grain storages and a port terminal have already been erected. The construction of the third stage – the railway infrastructure that include construction of public railway tracks, loading and unloading tracks and reception railway tracks – has been begun. Commissioning all the objects and completing the project is planned in 2019.

It is expected that at the designed capacity, the terminal will produce over 5 million tons of grain per year. The project implementation will create 332 new jobs in the district​​; 305 among them have been already created.

It is necessary to add that 22 major investment projects were implemented in the Krasnodar region in the first half of 2015; the value of each of them is more than 100 million rubles. The total cost of these projects amounted to over 25 billion rubles. As a result, 1,400 new jobs were created, and annual tax revenues at all levels of the budget, which is estimated at 955 million rubles, were provided. Another 45 major projects with a total amount of nearly 55 billion rubles are planned to be completed by the end of the year. This will create about 3,000 jobs, and annual tax revenues will exceed 1 billion rubles.

Source - Investment portal of Krasnodar region