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Krasnodar region was included on the list of pilot regions for the construction of carbon landfills

A landfill for measurement of man-made greenhouse gas emissions will be constructed in Krasnodar region, as reported the Press-Service of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of RF.   

Pilot landfills will also emerge in Chechen Republic, Kaliningrad, Novosibirsk, Sakhalin, Sverdlovsk and Tyumen regions.

The establishment of carbon landfills should complement the existing network of collection of processing of the environmental monitoring data. 

Landfills will be established with an aim of building a reliable and internationally recognized system for controlling greenhouse gas emissions. Within the next few years it is planned to establish 80 of such sites across the territory of the country.

Sergey Gulev, Chief of the laboratory of the Institute of Oceanology named after P.P.Shirshov of the Russian Academy of Sciences, emphasized that for both for the scientific community and for the country-wide economy the establishment of landfills is of national significance. The intensive efforts pertaining climate and environmental situation as well as the execution of Paris Agreement of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate change (FCCC) will be undertaken.