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Kuban manufacturers present their products at the international exhibition in Kazakhstan

International specialized exhibition AgriTek/FarmTek Astana is one of the most important agricultural events in Kazakhstan. Our Center works closely with businesses in the region, and they have been participating in this event almost every year. Seven contracts for the export of Kuban-made agricultural equipment were signed between regional companies and overseas buyers, as a direct outcome of the last exhibition. The volume of the first deliveries alone amounted to more than 20 million rubles.

The collective booth of the region included six export-oriented enterprises — manufacturers of agricultural machinery, trellis systems for vineyards and orchards, tillage equipment, seeds, plant protection products, fodder and feed additives.

The annual event AgriTek/FarmTek Astana is renowned for its high organizational standards and significant impact on the growth and development of the agriculture industry, and it earned the UFI approved event status.

More than 200 companies and 4,000 industry professionals from twelve countries participate in the event every year.