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Council for business

In administration of the area the meeting of Council for business took place. The deputy head of the area Natalya Ogol, the chairman of the board of municipality the Temryuksky area Alexander Sherstnev, the chairman of the Temryuksky Chamber of Commerce and Industry Union Evgenia Sokolova-Utkina, heads of settlements, businessmen of the area took part in it.

Within implementation of "The agreement on intermunicipal cooperation" colleagues from the Crimean area participated in a meeting of Council: deputy head of the area Evgeny Melnikov, acting as head of department of economy and forecasting Andrey Guryev and specialist of department Victoria Ezhova, and also chairman of the Crimean Chamber of Commerce and Industry Union Pavel Mogachev. It also lit one of agenda questions "About state regulation of production and a turn of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic products".

Participants of Council for business discussed questions of state regulation of production and a turn of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic products.

Businessmen were told once again about support measures by granting subsidies, about "tax holidays" for for the first time the registered individual entrepreneurs, about feature of participation of subjects of small business in purchases of goods, works, services for the state and municipal needs.

Natalya Ogol urged businessmen of the area to do more active business, to participate in programs of support, and also the electronic auction for purchases of goods, works, services for the state and municipal needs.

In the conclusion Natalya Andreevna and Alexander Ivanovich awarded winners of the annual regional competition "The Best Businessmen of Municipality Temryuksky Area" with diplomas and gifts.