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National award in the sphere of infrastructure of "ROSINFRA"

For the purpose of definition of key tendencies of development of infrastructure in Russia by the Center of development of public-private partnership together with the Commerce and industry payment of the Russian Federation founded the Russia's first National award in the sphere of infrastructure of "ROSINFRA". The award is urged to present the best practicians of implementation of infrastructure projects.

Within an award competitors of an award have opportunity to take part in various nominations. Besides Winners receive the unique figurine of ROSINFRA developed by the leading designers of Russia.

Applications for participation in competition are accepted until the end of October, 2015. Will study competitive documentation and it is possible to fill in the demand by phones 8(495) 988-77-13, 8 (963) 992-38-34 or on the site

The enterprises and the individual entrepreneurs interested to be nominated for an award can address to management of economy of administration of municipality the Temryuksky area to the address: Temryuk, Lenin St., 65, incorporated bank. 46 or on ph. 8 (86148) 4 43 49.