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Reconstruction of the sugar factory in Leningradskaya district will lead the enterprise ahead of the curve in Russia

The project is being implemented within the framework of the agreement concluded between the administration of the municipal unit and OJSC "Sugar factory "Leningradskaya" at the International Investment Forum "Sochi-2014".

The enterprise plans to invest around 280 million rubles into the production reconstruction. The construction works are currently underway at the facility. The process equipment, being installed at the factory, has also been purchased.

It is expected that the reconstruction of the production will make it possible for the enterprise to process up to 10 thousand tons of sugar beet per day. With the upgrading of the production, OJSC "Sugar factory "Leningradskaya" intends to hold the leading positions in terms of the sugar production in Russia. It is assumed that the project will be completed as early as in 2015.

Source - Investment portal of Krasnodar region