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Since 2015, the Krasnodar Region has increased the export of Kuban wine and champagne five times

The volume of supplies increased from 84 to 419 thousand decaliters per year. The Governor, Veniamin Kondratyev, announced this at the tenth All-Russian Summit of winemakers in Abrau-Durso.

The Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, Dmitriy Patrushev, welcomed the representatives of the professional wine community.

– In recent years, winemaking has become one of the most promising industries with government support. 3.5 billion rubles have been allocated over the past two years. This affects the increase in vineyard areas and yields. Last year, the area of vineyards was 97 thousand hectares. And it is planned to establish another 5 thousand hectares for this purpose this year. The adoption of the Federal Law "On Grape Growing and Winemaking in the Russian Federation" became a significant event. It consolidated the existing mechanisms of market regulation and introduced new norms. Creating a federation of winegrowers and winemakers is planning. We hope it will start working by the end of the year and will be engaged in promoting Russian wine among other things, – Dmitriy Patrushev said.

Veniamin Kondratyev noted that active support from the Federation at the legislative level helps to develop one of the leading industries in Kuban. According to the new Law, now, domestic wine shall be produced only from grapes grown in Russia.

– For our part, this year we adopted a regional law on the protection of vineyard lands. Thus, we protected them, first of all, from construction. Moreover, on the initiative of the region, a specific type of the permitted use of lands, «viticulture», appeared. From now, only grapes are allowed to be grown on such lands, –Veniamin Kondratyev said.

The Head of the Region also noted the need to promote wine production to domestic and foreign markets.

– The volume of supplies of Kuban wine to foreign markets has grown 5 times over the past 6 years: if 84 thousand decaliters of wine were produced in 2015, then 419 thousand decaliters of it were produced in 2020. Since the beginning of this year, the export of wine and champagne has already increased by more than 25%. The products are supplied to 20 countries of near and far abroad, and this area needs to be developed. We have high-quality wine, and we have something to be proud of, – the Governor said.


Vineyards occupy 28 thousand hectares in Kuban. 86 viticultural enterprises and 147 peasant farms operate here. The main marketable vineyards are located in Anapa, Novorossiysk, Gelendzhik, as well as the Krymsk and Temryuk Districts. More than 150 thousand tons of grapes have already been harvested this year. The average yield is 90.3 c/ha.

The Press Service of the Administration of the Krasnodar Region